We are a team of international automotive specialists who understand the sales process because that’s where we came from. We only work in the automotive sector, together with manufacturers, dealer groups and individual dealerships to increase vehicle sales with easy to use systems.

AutoSLM is a “best of breed” Lead Management System that has evolved over the last 17 years. Our international team who operates in the United States, United Kingdom, Poland and of course South Africa brings a wealth of industry experience to the table. We have always prided ourselves as being “motor people” doing IT not an IT company trying to do “motor”.

Marcus Badach – M.D AutoSLM Southern Africa

Collectively our team not only understands the sales process but has actually worked in dealerships in the following positions:

Sales Executive

Vehicle Valuator

Sales Manager

Business Manager

Dealer Principal

General Manager

Franchise Director

With AutoSLM you can rest assured we understand the process and more importantly we understand that a system should be there to assist in the sales process and not hinder it. We know that sales execs, & managers, are not accountants or data capturers which is why we have made our solution easy to use and effective… We are not a DMS trying to make accountants out of sales people.