At AutoSLM we understand the importance and value that a dealers website encompasses. Business reputation, significant investment and ultimately function (selling capability) are what dealer websites are about.

We have seen Dealers go through the cycle of investment and then end up being disappointed where a web company that does not understand the Motor Industry is involved.

With respect they may understand their technology and it may work in some industries but the motor industry, while apparently simple, can be tricky.

AutoSLM has templates and reliable resources to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

In summary, dealer websites need:

  • Reliable, quality stock feed so that all their online platforms can be synchronised from one interface.
  • Comprehensive set up from the start. Too many dealer sites are set up but never SEO optimised.
  • Include traffic and usage information.
  • Include database building tools (like newsletter links).
  • Security from hacking and virus threats.
  • Responsive design to ensure user ease of engagement.
  • Quick and easy information navigation and data capture.